<April 17, 2003>
random stuff
A simple, boring gazelle-like head. (Photoshop)
"Cleocatra" :) Done for the Confurence art show. Prismacolor markers and colored pencils, micron pen, Bristol Board. Copyright 2003 Bridget E. Wilde.
A Viking lady awaits the homecoming of her husband. Done for the Confurence art show. Markers and colored pencils with Micron pen on Bristol Board. Copyright 2003 Bridget E. Wilde
A Japanese fox in the style of an Edo period screen painting. Pose inspired by a print by Utamaro. Done for the Confurence art show. Prismacolor markers, colored pencils, Micron pen, and gold gel pen on Bristol Board. Copyright 2003 Bridget E. Wilde
Quick pen and marker sketch of a mouse in Regency England. Done for the Confurence art show. Copyright 2003 Bridget E. Wilde.
Illuminated quote from William Blake. Prismacolor marker, micron pen, gold gel pen accents. Done for the Confurence art show. Copyright 2003 Bridget E. Wilde.
Bryce standing in a dark room with red lights.
I did this with three of the most evil things in art ever: color dodge, color burn, and smudge. hah!
"Ms. Swift on Break" - another Talin commission piece, and another attempt to figure out how to use colored inks and pencils.
<April 17, 2003>