<August 25, 2002>
- my floofburd looked so grumpy earlier that she was cute. i had to scribble her as she sat on my knee, the old grump! she's nearly 20 this year. here's to all those wonderful grumpy cockatiels in our lives ;}
- Aww.. It's love at first sight :D
- A stripeless zebra and a jackel dog of some kind.
- Taking a suggestion from Lonnie while playing with flat color in photoshop. Two lady 'yotes admist strange blue cacti. this one made me think of McMoo...
- "You want me to eat WHAT now???" Chapter 3 from "The Trials and Tribulations of Interspecies Dating" by Dalia Ironhoof. I attempted to be more experimental with my colors in this piece. Upon retrospect, a purple would have been a more likely choice for the shading of the pony's shirt.
- sketchy...
- Last minute picture, if there is a mistake I'm not fixing it!
- OH, me Japanese! ^_^
- 'Kay, this is one trend I can't pass up. ;) "Sleep well, my true love", the first rendering of any of my Pronambi characters in a year or maybe more. And yes, both are female. Coragule's hand needs some work, but I like the mood.
- There was this running joke for awhile, while I was doing a lot of barbarian-bimbo art, that the Nat'l Organization of Women was gonna put a hit on me for having betrayed my feminist ideals. Speculation on the nature of the N.O.W. assassins, and a great couple I worked with, who were a lot like these two, (sans furry) gave rise to that intrepid commando couple, Katya & Earthmother.
- Kissy face, kissy face! ;)
<August 25, 2002>