<March 15, 2002>
When I was at FC I had some requests for a hyena pic- so here one is. :) It will be for sale at Confurence. Colored pencil on Bristol Board. Plus- Caytlin, have you received my emails? If not, sign my guestbook and let me know, please- and then watch my website main page. Thanks.
what i did one day during last semester's finals week. heh.
uh oh, it's missing a leg.
Blueberry (18"x24", Oil on Canvas). Finished painting in trade for my dogsled. (If any of you out there are looking for a dogsled, I highly recommend the guy who hand-made mine. The sled handles like a dream - I can slalom back and forth behind the dogs with just the barest shifting of weight. His sleds are flexible and sturdy too - but I'm not going to talk about that. :P )
HUGE piece! It's drawn on the biggest paper available and I scanned it 8 times.. Guh...
"Ice Princess" - an older drawing of mine revisited with airbrushing and filtering in Adobe Photoshop LE. (15 Mar 2002)
<March 15, 2002>