<February 20, 2002>
'Bout time I drew a color pic of my wolf sister. *chews on Goldie*
A departure from Cute. There is no assigned species for this beast, but he has his hackles up. Probably because his boss is pestering him on lunch break again.
Msaka, in kind of a "video-game" pose.
The heat of the sun bakes her coat; from her vantage point, keen eyes evaluate the milling herd below.
One of my new characters, for a spiffy new fantasy roleplay. Lorimer here isn't a gargoyle, he's a Chein - a cursed race of half-dragons that live in a world created by Nico. Curious? Want to meet Lorimer? Join the Earth Eternal at
Magician rabbit from FC in DevinFox's book.
LONG overdue commission for Timberwolf and Direwolf of them and their RL pack. From left to right: Timberwolf and Killian, Direwolf and Phelan, Gurty (little alpha. My favorite!) and Pinefire (the omega), Bodi (alpha male) and Ghost, Shy (alpha female), Aiko (under her paw), Paleface (across her back), Mrs. B, and up in the corner is Tybo (the grandfather).
<February 20, 2002>