<June 17, 2001>
- Stephen is silly.
- "Pandora," 8.5" x 11" Pen & ink on paper. A soldier of another place and another time, her name is pandora, and she is a mercenary. She stands watch high in the trees of an embattled forest, awaiting the next attack%85..I did this many years ago (1994), this was a friends character, in a little RP game called %93Justifiers,%94 I do so love that game, it was mean, dark, unhappy, and was semi-anthro.
- Kineta standing by the shore. I did this with painter and photoshop, but mostly painter for the inks and background.
- Zaush takes one last look out on the plains before he goes into his cave to rest for the night. It was inspired by a sketch done by my girlfriend. (thank you! ^^#) Done with painter-watercolor and touched up a tad in photoshop.
<June 17, 2001>