<May 7, 2001>
An illustration made for Dawn for her finace'. Combination pencils/painting of Nick, her puppy (she called him). Let it be known that I WILL draw for sushi. Even if it takes a while.
I wanted to do another picture like my most recent ones, but without the ink outlines.
I was challenged to try and draw more evil here's Dendrine and Hassler, leaders of the vicious Magyar pack. The Wolves of Time by William Horwood.
pretty puppy. Drawn while waiting many long hours at the airport.
More cuteness now that I'm feeling much better, And thanks to everyone who helped with that.
Its my pal, THE WORM!!! dont get on the worm's bad side, or He'll eat your town :) Pencil sketch
A Skunky! Drawn a few days ago, Figured I'd do something cause its my birthday, Its a skunky that scares me, and then scares me again. Pencil sketch
<May 7, 2001>