<January 12, 2001>
- I've got gryphon's and snowy owls (Yay Hedwig!) on the brain, this is the result. I think in the next try I'd give Fluffy a linx or bobcat (are they the same thing?) body instead, it seems to me that the sizes would be more of a realistic fit together. This will be up at Arisia, a local sci-fi con in Boston this weekend.
- I've decided to channel my hatred of Pokemon (and the knowledge that I can draw/creature-create the person responsible under the table) into something more constructive. This is one recent result: the savannah atavis (_Terravis gigas_), a bird that fills the ecological niche of the elephant. An atavism is an expression of an old, previously surpressed gene, like the fingers on the wings, if you're curious.
- Wolves are boring. So I thought I'd make them more interesting by combining them with an old monster of mine with a similar body shape, the helmeted hunter. Methinks it's an improvement, but I don't know what to call the result.
- I decided to create a companion for my character Ferra. She's yet to be named but © Heather Wasneuski, 2001
- Well... it's been a while since I uploaded and since I keep getting pestered to upload, here you are... you know who you are... I can see you ^_~ Cybre © Heather Wasneuski, 2001... oh, and please forgive my scanner. It tried...
- Well... why not. Random sketch © me.
- I hope this is Yerfable... it's a furmaid :P © Heather Wasneuski, 2001
- "Inari" - Portrait of the goddess of foxes and rice, who also happens to be a FurryMUCK character. Brush and ink on bristol, colored in "watercolor" and liberal use of the lasso tool in Painter Classic. Kimono design inspired by a miniature design I painted recently; background design inspired by a page from a "Cardcaptor Sakura" (CLAMP) art book. Inari (the FurryMUCK character, anyway) is © Inari, and uploaded with permission.
- Cajun Blunt is an old character of mine. He is a character that struggles between good and evil.
- This is Mellyora, She is a magical white wolf that is saves the day in the comicbook I am making. This picture was done in colored pencil.
- This is a very new character of mine. This picture was done in Adobe Photoshop, and I think it came out pretty cool.
<January 12, 2001>