<December 28, 2000>
"Missing You" - Vanessa, we miss you ... especially me <:) ... come home soon ......... please? :(
As an older married man, I shouldn't pay all that much attention to these cuties, but they so cute (and more). Don't worry, I'm actually rather harmless as dirty old men go (thanks to all the medication).
While I shouldn't put words in other's characters mouths, this suddenly sprang into my brain. I hope it isn't too inflammatory.
Me pounce Puck and Brer! ;)
A re-upload for the cause of better quality
And this would be my Bootsy Badge BABY!
A little ditty I did for the Midwest Fur Fest
Yeesh! It's been FOREVER since I've posted anything here! The chaos of moving across the country... :o( Anyhoo... here's a rather caprine/bovine-looking gargoyle. This'n sold a while back. I wanted to create a gargoyle character that would fit in with the Disney characters, but be a completely unique character many bull/goat gargoyles have you seen? LOL!
<December 28, 2000>