<June 3, 2000>
- A page of my sketchbook, with bats on it. Blah.
- Jane Mahalia, a Panda/Fox. Ooo, Panda Fox. Bow before the Panda Foxes glory! Because you must. Look! Chartreuse hair! Adore the hair. Jane is © Katharine Crowell, 2000. Yep.
- Inspired by a hillarious tale told to me by my dear chum, Magda...
- (Reuploaded for a slight bit of dialogue editing in the last panel of my special sneak preview comic strip towards my cartoon entertainment project in the works.) -- It looks like the friends Freebie Fox planned to surprise with his pizza party won't be please with Doktor Catlove at all; that's for sure! Do you think that Catlove's naughty deed will ever make the headlines? This could be a great story for the K-Pet News Crew to cover! -- A well deserved kudos to my new furry bud, Fetch, for the suggestion. :o)
- I am actually pretty pleased with how this one turned out. It took longer than the last few I uploaded because I ran out of the marker I was using for Areena's body and spent days running all over Sacramento looking for an exact match ( idiots at Aaron Brothers told me Prismacolor "Bronze" did not exist >_< ) Anywise, a couple people said I didn't draw Areena often enough anymore. So here she is, dancing away in the streets of Paris with her fellow gypsy dog, a pup named Du Fond du Coeur.
- A long overdue group pic of my favorite X-Men, based of a pre-existing human version. Since I'll never get to inking and/or coloring these two, I thought I'd go ahead and post what I have. The human version will be on my site in the next day or two hopefully. You know the cast so I don't need to go over that. Children of the atom are (C) Marvel Entertainment.
- A Fox Knight stands ready for battle. More of the same project as the rabbit guards. Art©2000 By Donald L. Brown (Oldrabbit)
<June 3, 2000>