<July 22, 1998>
Garbo, an undetermined species of canine.
Mousie had a great investment suggestion (the company that makes our sneakers) but... um... I'm sort of an idiot. ;) Mousie is © Kelly Siegfried. Thanks for the sketch in my sketchbook, Mousie! :)
Danny Wheeler's characater, Melody. Done by request of both him and Sonic Blumfield. Slowly but surely, I am conquering artist's block.
'Member that friend o' mine who's not on Yerf?=) Well, she drew this fer me, an' it's up w/ her permission.=) Don't believe me...well, e-mail her at [email protected]. An' while you're at it, tell her that she's a great furry artist, an' she MUST JOIN YERF!!!^.^ Image (C) mYsTiK, Angel (C) me.
Kaddi tours Yerf again (oy, that's gotta be one of the most colorful backgrounds i've ever done)!^.^ An' who does he meet but Sully Fox?=) Kaddi says: "Hoo ha, Mr. Sully!"=D Thanx fer telling me about AAC, Sully!^.^ Man, seems I like wuz the only one who missed out on all the fun there...=) Sully (C) the kewl Scotty Arsenault.
ESTE ES LA CHUPACABRAS!I should know this, I live in a spot where these guys were they were practically discovered,right?Yeah,well;least THIS Chupacabras actually FIGHTIN' with a 'cabra'!A female one at that!Hoo...boy!
It's a group shot of several critters whose descriptions I turned in to Austin at Toons, Fur, and Fluff for the guests. Clockwise from the top, their species are ('cause I never got around to names): Epaulated Fruit Bat, Lantern Fish, Red River Hog, Coelurosauravus, and Macrauchenia. There were six originally, but I didn't have the space for the last one, an anthropomorphic ammonite (and needed a separate space to figure out how to draw it, anyway). All of these critters are © me, although up for unlimted use by TFF. Go check it out, you might end up as one of mine. ^^
Timidheart, the Care Bear cousin. (A mouse in case you can't tell.)
My first comic for the quarterly magazine for Good Bears of the World International.
Star Davisidaro, a talented and cool furry pal. Here's her character--a Killrathi fox with pretty deep sea-blue eyes (my fav!) and soft white wings. Star is (C) Polina Hristova.
Okay, so I get this really neat book on painting and drawing realistically. I do so at the suggestion of a couple artist friends (you know who you are, small foxkittish one). Then I read through some of it, and I draw an experimental picture, tryin' to apply the new knowledge. Then it's good, so I add some ground to stand on. Ground becomes rock, pond appears. brush grows up in the BG. And the pic, I see, is spiffy.
Sketch I did in Skorzy's book at AAC2. It's a cautionary doodle on lasers but I just had to have the word "science" in there. :)
Sketch I did in Catnel's book at AAC2. It's yet another product placement opportunity for Kodak. :) Thanks to Catnel (Colleen Phillips) for scanning it.
A sketch I did in Spaceroo's book at AAC2. The title: Spaceroo vs. the Mir Space Station. Thanks to Spaceroo (John Siemer) for scanning it.
Heres Tim the fox playin' a game of cards! I had fun drawin' this one!Tim is © the talented Emilie Bosworth
This was done as a comission for Allen Kitchen, of he and his mate. :) They are %40copy of their own characters, but I drew this image.
<July 22, 1998>